Situated within a short distance to both Arncliffe and Banksia train stations, local shops, cafes, schools and parks.
Features include,
* Solid brick home
* Four bedrooms, 3 with built-in wardrobes
* Sun-room/Office
* 2 Bathrooms
* New Kitchen
* Polished floorboards throughout
* Tiled bathroom
* Separate lounge and dining
* Internal laundry
* Off Street parking for up to four cars plus 2 car garage
* Covered low maintenance backyard, great for entertaining
This property is located close to parks, a selection of schools, day care centres and shops, and is within easy reach of the Sydney CBD and Sydney Airport.
For more information contact 9597 7372, email:
Only TRA applications will be accepted using the below link
Copy of current passport (Visa required if not Australian) & copy of driver's licence
Utility Bill, Payslip, & most recent bank statement
Tenancy Ledger (rates notice/documentation showing ownership of property if home owner)